Happy New Year! I hope 2020 is off to a blessed start for you and yours.

D ear NANA member,

Given it’s already the 13th of January, this message is obviously a tad belated. Nonetheless, since God’s word is always on time, I’m sure you’ll pardon my tardiness. Happy New Year! I hope 2020 is off to a blessed start for you and yours.

Did you have much to be thankful for in 2019? No matter how good the past year was, I’m sure you can still think of a few things you wish happened differently or didn’t happen at all - i.e. things you would change, if you could. As Christians, we know there’s a season to all things … a time to sow, and a time to reap … a time to mourn, and a time to dance. (Eccles 3:1-4 NKJV) In due time, God will wipe away all tears. Keep the faith.

As we journey further into the new year, let’s embrace the wisdom of Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” If we heed these words, and put God in the driver’s seat, He will help us navigate the landmines of our lives and lead us into His favor. Bear in mind that ‘being in His favor’ isn’t a panacea for all bad things – sickness, hardship, pain etc. – and it doesn’t mean every day will be sunny. It does mean, however, that when the rain comes, and the winds of trouble begin to howl, God will be our strength and our refuge (Psalms 46:1). Amen.

We are a generation chosen of God and called out of darkness into His marvelous light. Let us continually proclaim the excellencies of our Maker (1 Peter 2:9) and be intentional about living our lives in service of Christ and our respective communities. Remain blessed!

Yours in His Vineyard,

Samson K. Kilanko | President, NANA

PS. Btw, planning for camp 2020 is already underway! Committees are coming together, and the Exec. Board is hard at work. Our success, year after year, is evidence of your faithfulness; thank you! As we join hands again, and work towards the success of Camp 2020 in WV, I have no doubt we’ll all be blessed. When we reach out to you - and we will - we hope you will again give of your best to the Master and to our NANA family.